Fund Raising


Helping Hands is a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization, and in an effort to maximize our effectiveness we ask that each participant (including our leaders) provide his/her own support for the mission. We are eager to provide suggestions for helping fund the mission, including but not limited to sending out letters requesting financial and prayer support from both family and friends.  Support letters are the most commonly used method to raise funds. Others find they are able to fund their trip solely by re-prioritizing their lives. Whatever method best addresses the means necessary to make this life-changing  mission, we believe that those who are called are also equipped by Him to do His will.


Donations are graciously and gratefully accepted. Donated funds will be used for construction supplies and material, Bibles, religious literature and other needs identified specifically for the people or community being served.
As an all volunteer organization, Helping Hands has very minimal operating costs.  All donations will go toward our active programs.  You can designate the specific program, if you wish.

We have many opportunities for you to participate:

Check / Money Order

 Send a check or money order to:

Helping Hands Missions, Inc.
P.O. Box 1242
Waukesha WI 53187-1242

You can designate on the memo line of your check which program you are supporting:  Patzún stoves, Patzún church construction, Colombia mission, or Relief.  If the memo line is blank, your donation will be applied to our general fund.

We will send you a receipt for your tax-deductible donation.

Pay On-line

PayPal – no PayPal account required.  Use any credit or debit card.

Donations go directly to our Helping Hands account. 

On the donation page, you can enter the donation amount and select a option to designate which of our programs you are supporting (use the “Optional” box):

        • Patzún, Guatemala, stoves
        • Patzún, Guatemala, church construction
        • Colombia mission.
        • Relief – COVID and natural disasters
        • If no program is designated, your donation will be applied to our general fund.



Finally get rid of all the old cameras, electronics, and other items that you don’t know what to do with.  Call us, and we’ll pick it up.  We will list it on our Helping Hands e-Bay store for sale by auction.  When it sells, we will send you a tax receipt for the selling price. 100% of the proceeds go to our programs and you get a tax deduction.  Easy!!

Amazon Smile

Shop on AmazonSmile, using Helping Hands Missions Corp as your preferred charity.  Amazon will donate 0.5% to Helping Hands.

You get the same features and pricing as with your regular account, but a portion goes to Helping Hands.  Make this your regular way of shopping on Amazon!

Buy Hardwood Firewood

For fireplace or bonfire.

All money goes for the purchase of efficient woodburning stoves in Guatemala, to be installed by our mission teams –

Call Jon for prices at 262-271-6771.

Thank you so much for your consideration. May God richly reward you for your service to Him.


Disclosure: Helping Hands Missions, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) Tax-Exempt public charity, established for religious and charitable purposes.  Your donations are tax-exempt (subject to the rules of your taxing authority).  We are registered in the state of Wisconsin as Helping Hands Missions, Inc.

We are not affiliated with any parent organization, although we often collaborate or partner with churches or other organizations. Contact us for more information.

Helping Hands Missions Faith in Action - short term missions, missions organization, elmbrook church, wisconsin, helping hands, 4him