The team – Jo, Karen, Nancy, Francy, Jimmie, Dave, and John

Worship at Christian Community of Faith Church, founders of Viento Fresco.
Medellín, Colombia, June 6-13, 2015 A team of six from Wisconsin and Colorado experienced a Spirit-filled week in Medellín as guests of Jen and Tom Atwater, directors of Viento Fresco (Fresh Wind) Children’s Center. We were able to minister to the children at the center, and to families in their nearby homes. We were also able to build a house for a family in a neighborhood called La Sierra, which is recovering from a violent past. This renewal is led by men and women who have exchanged their drugs and guns for a Spirit-led life. What a great blessing to hear their powerful and moving testimonies!

Boarding the mass transit system to go up the mountainside.

View from the homesite. The higher up, the more isolation and poverty.

Construction foreman, Carlos, who came to the Lord during our visit last November.

Construction well underway. Not to claim too much, though. All of the foundation and floor work and several courses of block were done before we arrived.

Lunch with leaders in the La Sierra neighborhood.
Powerful testimonies!

The homeowners’ new view.









The roofing begins.

Intern McCrae

Intern Dillon

Bibiana and Talie

John puts the final touches on the roof.

In this neighborhood, Santo Domingo, it was not possible to have an outdoor worship service 10 years ago because of the violence.
This is now a weekly event. Hallelujah!

Team members enjoying the outdoor worship in Santo Domingo.

Kids gathered for an inspirational message and prayer before soccer practice.

A former drug dealer and murderer gives his testimony.
What a transformation he has had!

Karen and Nancy pray for los jovenes, one by one.

Now it is time to hone their game.

Who could play soccer at 7000′ elevation?

A walk in the flower garden.
